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Charme's pageLink to demo video (YouTube or Vimeo).
Include a link to your public 8th Wall Featured Page (8th Wall Contestants)
Briefly describe your projects key features and tech stack used
The tech we used to make Charme include: Unity 2022.3.27f1, Niantic Lightship VPS v.3.6, Niantic Maps SDK v.0.4.0, Unity Authentication, Unity Cloud Code, and Unity Cloud Save.
What was the inspiration for your project?
We wanted to encourage people that love leaving little fun easter eggs for their friends while also encouraging people to revisit places they have a special bond with. We were also inspired by the Luigi's Balloon World minigame in Super Mario Odyssey and the I Spy books!
What prize is your submission eligible for? (pick more than one if it applies)
Global Explorer, Community Catalyst, Nature Navigator
Is your submission 8th Wall or Lightship ARDK?
Lightship ARDK
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