There is a bug I found in the game from Post-Packaging where the Enemys are stationary and don't move and I have no Idea why it happens, in the ue5 project they were just fine and can move around. The procedural generation can overlap rooms sometimes but I've limited that as much as I could with the knowledge I have but still tends to happen from time to time (unfortunately it can make the boss room unenterable forcing you to restart :( ). But for the first game I have ever created (only having 9 days to make it as well) I think it ain't that bad, so despite the bugs I hope you enjoy it.
There is a bug I found in the game from Post-Packaging where the Enemys are stationary and don't move and I have no Idea why it happens, in the ue5 project they were just fine and can move around. The procedural generation can overlap rooms sometimes but I've limited that as much as I could with the knowledge I have but still tends to happen from time to time (unfortunately it can make the boss room unenterable forcing you to restart :( ). But for the first game I have ever created (only having 9 days to make it as well) I think it ain't that bad, so despite the bugs I hope you enjoy it.