Play mod
MMBN Playable Bass.EXE's pageJudge feedback
Judge feedback is anonymous.
- The dialogue was great, and the scripts you added really made the campaign feel alive! Even the mission screens correctly showed the enemies you fight against. The mystery man looks great and his animations are pretty well done! The final bass fight is very easy due to his low HP. If you had created a separate entity for him with more HP the fight could be longer and more challenging. I think custom music would have really made the battles feel more engaging! Great mod overall: Fun to play, quite some content and great story! Bugs / things to consider: * The fights would be more fun if they used an original AI * It is impossible to obtain a 5-star rating on the bass fight * The battle starts twice in the battle against yourself and against bass * Bass original animations don't blend in well with EndCycle, it's kind of off to see him shooting when you use an attack voc like IceSpear
http://Unable to acquire game footage.
Short Description
This mod allows the player to gain access to Bass.EXE as a playable character after completing the custom campaign "The Strongest of All", which can be unlocked after completing the Azure Ambitions campaign.
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