What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)
1) Player could learn the location relationship of US states, cool.
It makes uses of covid cases data of states make it a background setting. It requires a strategy to avoid travelling to the states with increasing cases and keep as much health as possible. It reminds us of staying safe and flatting the curve, a good metaphor.
The different options for geography and traveling was pretty fun and felt like a "Know your States" quiz to try to get from one part of the US to another. It was interesting to see which states you would most likely get an infection from when traveling.
The game has a solid goal, and it's sort of like a quiz on american geography. Game rules are fairly straightforward and the controls are simple and easy to learn
Game used Covid data simulated the travel in United stated. Good game data design.
I like the game concept and idea a lot
What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)
1) The origin and destination are totally random, sometimes player may start at a state that might never come to the destination. 2) Players have no idea for their choice. They don't know how many health they may lose if they go to each state.
After played rounds of game, I'm still confused about the mechanics. It would be better if the game could provide more clues about the routes rather than guessing from the realworld data. Also the game doesn't seems to have a high completeness. It's mechanic should be interactable and visible, then it would be funny and playable.
The UI was pretty bland and wasn't very engaging. It definitely needed more game feel. A reset button also would've been nice to try to keep playing over and over.
What are the health costs of going to other states? I think it would help to know in these cases so the player could use that info to decide if they want to go to a state w/ higher cost in health but will get to destination faster or go to state w/ lower cost but forces the player to go to another state.
The game is hard to learn and get start. Maybe add some tutorials. Add some music and graphical effect will make the game more fun.
-no button to restart
-The user could probably know info about each state before going to it
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