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Flatten The CurveView game page

The people are counting on you!
Submitted by kt1795, dfa253 — 4 hours, 52 minutes before the deadline
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What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

The music was very entertaining and the button was organized very neatly. The animation for the king walking around in the castle was also nice to watch in the background while playing the game. The different rates for each country was also interesting to see.

- the addition of the pixel sprites and music is a nice touch

- the idea of the game is pretty creative -- i like that the game gives you multiple options, each with their own tradeoffs

Good use of data, simulated the pandemic of the countries. Game feel is good , sound and the pixel arts makes the game more visually attractive

-I like the game design and layout

-I like the sound effects as well

Good concept, requires critical thinking.

Wonderful and interesting game, both the background music and the designing. The moving little man is also very cute.


What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

I wish there was more interaction or effect for the king (i.e. deterioration of the castle or he starts coughing) just to have some connection to the game. The connection between what the buttons do and how it was affecting the population was confusing and not very intuitive (what did New Rules do other than decrease monetary income?) A curve would've also had been nice to see to show that my decisions actually had an affect on the country and was actually flattening the curve.

- Is there a clear goal in this game? I guess it's to reduce mortality but it seems that some countries already have a 0% death rate (but that would also make it so that you'd never choose any option that increases mortality)

- numbers could be balanced? unsure why raising taxes would cost money, and money gain can slow to the point where it's impossible to salvage

Maybe add some interaction with the king make it more fun. For example if the death rate is too high The king will be anxious.

-Maybe add more options (like administer x number of vaccines)

clear instructions, one has to wait for longer period for certain level of money required.

Add more possible buttons to let the user more options to save people's lives. It would be fine if it adds more strategies or attributes, like timeline or role switching.