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Shift: Prelude (Crunchless)'s pageSchedule
As stated in my early devlog, my goal was to spend between 28 and 42 hours per week on this project, so 168 hours in total. (Or really, 180 if you account for the 30-day month.) At the end, I logged about 166 hours overall. This puts me at the upper end of my target, but within the expected range.
Most of my coding was done in the evening, as expected. I went over my allotted time early on, but was able to correct and come in well under the amount of time towards the end. I consider this a win -- the extra time early on was due to excitement about the project, and the end (where crunch would be expected) was nowhere near as much time as I was allowed.
While I did not accomplish everything I set out to (fewer devlogs and Twitter posts, much reduced scope on the project, etc.), I consider this a success. I completed a project that is at least a completely playable game. I got it published, with the option for people to pay, and there is a marketing site and Twitter presence (even if minimal.).
Considering the overly ambitious nature of this project, the from-zero start, and fact that I haven't done any game development in a couple years I would consider this a big win.
I also learned quite a bit along the way about how to properly scope a project for something like this, staying focused, etc.
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