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A jam submission

Big Carrot StonksView game page

Abolish the Big Cauliflower Monopoly by oversaturating the carrot market!
Submitted by PygmyHolmes — 11 minutes, 1 second before the deadline
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Sell billions of carrots and oversaturate the market, flooding the economy while growing a lovely giant carrot farm.

How would you like to be credited in the showreel video of submissions?

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I can see myself sinking WAY too much time into this!!! love the simple mechanics and almost "idle" feel on the game! 

I really wish the plots where closer together I found myself getting a bit dizzy from running around between the planters! 

Maybe I didn't get far enough in but it would be great to sink some of the sweet sweet carrot money into some upgrades at the town! - Aiden 


Very attractive carrot farm; excellent motivation for growing 2.5 trillion carrots.  I did get caught up in growing carrots for a while, I can see how appealing the activity can be.  Nothing took too long, the carrots grew most satisfactorily.  My E button stopped making me carrot pots so I stopped growing carrots, which was lucky as the game is hard to leave.