Play game
Robo Jelly's pageTeam Name
Game Name
Link to Gameplay Footage
List any content that was created before the jam.
Only used this music track:
Music: “Evolve”, from
Licensed under Creative Commons by Attribution 4.0
Are you entering as a student team?
Which Engine version did you use to create your entry?
Unreal Engine 5.1
Gameplay Instructions
Unzip and run EpicMegaJam2.exe.
May require Unreal Engine pre-requizites install (should happen automatically)
In case of message indicating outdated video card driver - try updating your driver to recommended version
Green blob can only move around and posess robots ("E" to enter/exit bot). It will die if falls from high platforms
Red robot can dash (use "space"), green robot can jump (use "space"), blue robot can shoot ("Use mouse to aim and LMB to shoot)
Get to the exit of each level
What platform is your game built for?
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