I wanted to update the game to correct the bug we had at the game. Itch didn't tell me about the impossiblity to upload a new build before some times... But it allowed me to delete it. So as there is no download link in the game page because of that i leave it here : https://cnam-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/enzo_giglio_auditeur_lecnam_net/Eh...
Play Synchrony
Synchrony's itch.io pageTeam Name
Santsu Tsou
Gameplay Instructions
WASD : Move
Mouse : Camera
Left Clic | E : Interact
Shift : Sprint
What platform is your game built for?
List any content that was created before the jam.
One metasound to create random logics similar to wwise and used as a template to create metasound presets
Link to Gameplay Footage
Which Engine version did you use to create your entry?
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