Love it!!!
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Truthfully Inaccurate [VR]'s pageTeam Name
Studio 8ight
Gameplay Instructions
VR motion controllers Oculus Rift Thumbstick displays teleport and the trigger activates it.
The grip buttons are used to pickup items that can be picked up.
The rest you will ascertain through your adventure :)
Please note that there is currently an issue where the Vive wands don't seem to be sending the input to begin the game. Oculus works for certain as this was developed on a Rift.
Link to Gameplay Footage
What platform is your game built for?
List any content that was created before the jam that was included in the final submission.
Assets used: POLYGON Town, Ocean Community Plugin, VR Integrator by W3 Studios and audio obtained from
While it is far from complete and I would have liked to do much more with this concept but I must submit to meet the deadline, I do hope everyone that plays it enjoys it as much as I did making it :)
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