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Ari's Survival ArcView game page

Can this bird feed her offspring through the treacherous weather and conditions.
Submitted by FaridSawaqed06 โ€” 1 day, 18 hours before the deadline
Rated by 11 people so far
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The waves moving to the beat on the main menu was wonderful. Like the top ones went with the drums, and the bottom ones strummed to the synth. I really liked that music, so I was a little sad it wasn't what played during the actual game. 

The animations were really smooth too (especially the dying ones, which I saw an unfortunate amount of). I just thought most things moved a little too fast for me to react to. 

I also appreciated that my high score was saved even after going back to the main menu before returning to play again.

Great work!


I'm glad you liked the game! I spend a lot of time searching for the right music, so I'm happy that you enjoyed that as well. Fur future projects, I will make the game more of a fun playing experience, so people can explore the game rather than lose instantly.


Wow it is very good I like how large it feels like if I play it again I may discover something new. I think the random placement of the timer is very good and it just has a feel of something new each time it's played. Nice looking visuals as well!


Thank you! I'm glad you liked the game.

 Amazing game!


Thank you! I'm glad you liked it.


The idea is good, the programming is good, but the arts are very confusing :(
I think the arts should be more "visible", if it weren't for that the game would be incredible!

Please play and review my game!


I'm glad you liked the overall programming of my game. With a new engine like Godot, I want this project to be an entirely new learning experience.  I'm still learning making sprite art and wanted to practice with this game jam, but I'm happy you liked other pars of my game.