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Hakuen Studio Visual Items for RPG Maker MZ
Related tags:
RPG Maker
RPG Maker MV
RPG Maker MZ
Visual Item Inventory plugin for RPG Maker MZ
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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Hakuen Studio Picture Manager for RPG Maker MZ
A new and powerful picture system for RPG Maker!
Hakuen Studio
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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Hakuen Studio Choice Pictures for RPG Maker MZ
Show automatic pictures for each choice!
Hakuen Studio
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
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Hakuen Studio Game Frame for RPG Maker MZ
Add a frame image for your game, like the retro Castlevania games!
Hakuen Studio
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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CG Gallery plugin for RPG Maker MZ
Rated 3.7 out of 5 stars
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Hakuen Studio Info Menu for RPG Maker MZ
Create a book, a message log, in-game tutorials, and much more!
Hakuen Studio
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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RPG Maker MZ: Equip Construct
In bundle
Actually SEE what you wear
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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RPG Maker MV/MZ: Item Scene
In bundle
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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Hakuen Studio Battle Results for RPG Maker MZ
Shows a battle results scene after the battle is won!
Hakuen Studio
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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[CGMZ][Alpha] Picture Gallery for RPG Maker MZ
Add a picture gallery to your game
Casper Gaming
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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Picture Effects plugin for RPG Maker MZ
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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Attached Pictures plugin for RPG Maker MZ
Rated 3.7 out of 5 stars
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Picture Choices plugin for RPG Maker MZ
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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Hakuen Studio Item Sounds for RPG Maker MZ
Different sounds for different items and equipments!
Hakuen Studio
Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
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Hakuen Studio Minimap for RPG Maker MZ
Creates a minimap for your game!
Hakuen Studio
Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars
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Visual Battle Environment plugin for RPG Maker MZ
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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Grid-based Inventory - Plugin for RPG Maker MZ
Transform your scene item into a grid-based one!
Sang Hendrix
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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Hakuen Studio Easing Picture for RPG Maker MZ
Adds new animations type for the move picture command!
Hakuen Studio
Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
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Hakuen Studio Single Item Slot for RPG Maker MZ
Each item has a single slot for it!
Hakuen Studio
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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Hakuen Studio Background Manager for RPG Maker MZ
Create customized backgrounds for scenes and windows!
Hakuen Studio
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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Hakuen Studio Face Window for RPG Maker MZ
Show the face image of the message box in a different window!
Hakuen Studio
Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
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Animated Pictures plugin for RPG Maker MZ
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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Hakuen Studio Help Windows for RPG Maker MZ
Let's you choose to add Help Windows to all scenes in RPG Maker MZ/MV!
Hakuen Studio
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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[CGMZ][Alpha] Hidden Objects for RPG Maker MZ
Point and click minigame for your game
Casper Gaming
Rated 0.0 out of 5 stars
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Hakuen Studio Game Filter for RPG Maker MZ
Aplly a filter on the entire screen, on all scenes!
Hakuen Studio
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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Hakuen Studio Choice Manager for RPG Maker MZ
Implement improvements in the choice system.
Hakuen Studio
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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Hakuen Studio Secret/Passive Effects for RPG Maker MZ
Changes the target of skills/item effects and apply them in secret!
Hakuen Studio
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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Frontview Battle UI plugin for RPG Maker MZ
Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars
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Hakuen Studio Map Layers for RPG Maker MZ
Let user create several map layers with static or parallax images
Hakuen Studio
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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Hakuen Studio Font Manager for RPG Maker MZ
Use multiple fonts in your game!
Hakuen Studio
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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Picture Common Events plugin for RPG Maker MZ
Rated 4.2 out of 5 stars
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Adventure Menu - For Rpg Maker MZ
MENU COLLECTION #1: "Adventure" for RPG Maker MZ
BlueMoon (Nebula Games)
Rated 0.0 out of 5 stars
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Hakuen Studio Faces Reaction for RPG MAKER MZ
Change Actor faces according to states and battle actions!
Hakuen Studio
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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Hakuen Studio Character Generator For RPG Maker MZ
A new scene to create your own characters graphics!
Hakuen Studio
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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Information Display For RPG Maker MZ
Easily add & customize info for immediate viewing. Settings include text size, color, and animation.
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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Hakuen Studio Text Window for RPG Maker MZ
Show multiple text windows on screen!
Hakuen Studio
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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Hakuen Studio Skill Costs for RPG Maker MZ
Add several new cost types to your skills!
Hakuen Studio
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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Visual Text Window plugin for RPG Maker MZ
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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Shop Bust Style UI plugin for RPG Maker MZ
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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Visual Gauge Styles plugin for RPG Maker MZ
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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Hakuen Studio Map Reveal for RPG Maker MZ
A plugin that let you cover a map and reveal it as player walks!
Hakuen Studio
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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Visual Novel Picture Busts plugin for RPG Maker MZ
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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Hakuen Studio Smart Speaker for RPG Maker MZ
Automatically set a speaker name through face message or vice versa!
Hakuen Studio
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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[CGMZ] Skill Shop for RPG Maker MZ
Allow your players to buy skills via a shop
Casper Gaming
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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Run in browser
Hakuen Studio Zoom for RPG Maker MZ
Add a plugin command to use the default zoom feature of MZ.
Hakuen Studio
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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[CGMZ][Alpha] Scene Backgrounds for RPG Maker MZ
Show custom image in any menu scene background
Casper Gaming
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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Show character sprites at menus
VCM Plugins
Rated 0.0 out of 5 stars
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[CGMZ][Alpha] Item Popup for RPG Maker MZ
Brief info window when an item is first obtained
Casper Gaming
Rated 0.0 out of 5 stars
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Hakuen Studio Bitmap Font for RPG Maker MZ
Bitmap fonts for RPG Maker!
Hakuen Studio
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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Hakuen Studio QoL Commands 1 for RPG Maker MZ
Add enhanced versions of the default event commands!
Hakuen Studio
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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Character List - For Rpg Maker MZ
Characters' detail scene inspired to World End Syndrome
BlueMoon (Nebula Games)
Rated 0.0 out of 5 stars
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Hakuen Studio Message Sounds for RPG Maker MZ
Play talk sounds on the show text command!
Hakuen Studio
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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Visual State Effects plugin for RPG Maker MZ
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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Hakuen Studio Max Items for RPG Maker MZ
Choose a maximum quantity for each item through the notes field!
Hakuen Studio
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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[CGMZ][Alpha] Menu Customizer for RPG Maker MZ
Customize your main menu screen
Casper Gaming
Rated 0.0 out of 5 stars
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Visual Gold Display plugin for RPG Maker MZ
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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Modern Scene Title - Plugin for RPG Maker MZ
A scene title with video as background, more commands, custom pictures, etc...
Sang Hendrix
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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Hakuen Studio Seal and Lock Equipment for RPG MAKER MZ
Lock, Unlock, Seal, Unseal equipment types with plugin commands!
Hakuen Studio
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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Version Display For RPG Maker MZ
Easily add & customize version info for players to see right away. Settings include text size, color, and animation.
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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