Project lead, core gameplay, enemy waypoint system, input handling, player ship art, enemy ship art, boss art, speed powerup, level authoring, assorted bug fixes, UI design and related art, damage flash
Desert/City and Chaos music
Music (lava, swamp/jungle, forest)
Soundtrack (Arena and Dubstep)
Initial infrastructure work of all game screens, majority of code for main menu, turn/damage/other in-game indicators, game clock, day-night cycle, cloud movement, weapons ("meteor clash", "grenade", "rain shot"), night star and rain particles, some art implementation, campaign design and coding, weather system and UI modifications
"Guerrilla" level design, mute key, screen shake, oil slip functionality, crack effect code, damage calculation, health display, game state refactoring (bools to enum), wrecked game state hookup, help screen option
Level layout design, farm fence code and art
Light House Zone, Light House Music
World design, seabed terrain, lab spaces and models
Level music, menu music, fairy music, boss music, credits music
Spanish localization, slide during crouch, credits scroll and related browser interactions
Menu and Background Music
Navigation music
Pause functionality, main menu music, player and enemy recoil from combat loss
Screen shake functionality, player UI for lives
Pause button hookup