eating chocolate, being ghosts, ancestral match-making!
sounds sad but seems cool? says it's a story but it is also a game
short! 3+ players, seems cool
i kind of don't understand how this works also it was labeled as a horror game?? but i'm intrigued??
dnd but mice, like that one time you talked about with the gc where you all play famous literary rats and mice (despereaux!)
no dice, three people, space!
zines, tiny play through
full roleplay no dice, cards give you magic words? probably need to read gamebook to fully get it
a weird kind of foreplay, anti-scalies need not apply
you are protectors, and you are flowers
bonus content for blades! curious observer player type, likes collecting information
for when you want to role-play running off to live in the woods with your three best friends
played with a coin, a single die, and a deck of cards. vibes like The Quiet Year/The Dark Forest
on sale until end of august! supplement to Sleepaway, includes instructions for doing online play among other things
you are camp counselors, there is a big evil plaguing the camp! HUGE playbook, will require a good amount of prep
magical girls! could be literally any early-2000's cartoon girl group. PPP, totally spies, sailor moon, anything.
i mean you know what this game is
isn't TECHnically she-ra but it's she-ra
you're the bad guys, and you're birds? you MIGHT be birds
CRJ, cults and magic, summoning demons??
CRJ, the future, lasers and feelings, HEIST