Saw this on IndieDB...
A game by a dev buddy of mine...
A game by a dev buddy of mine...
Very cool thumbnail GIF...
I'm following one of the artist of this project on Twitter... I'm really impressed by the art direction of this title.
very cool devtober game I saw on a Twitch stream...
This looks really fun!!! ^^
Another game by a fellow deviant on DA...
A game by James... A dev/streamer I follow on Twitch.
Found the designer on deviant art...
really cool thumbnail drew me in...
A game by a friend and follow artist I met on deviant art...
Really like the pixel aesthetics of the game!!!
The first thing I noticed was the retro styled pixel art... Looking forward to playing this title based on that fact alone :)
Saw this first on a Twitch stream... Looking forward to playing it on Steam :)
Looks extremely interesting from first glance!