Project lead, core gameplay, ap turn system, level procedural generation, story, combat, environment titles, enemies (art and AI) and boss, talents, charms, door functionality, pillar interactions, player sprites, inventory, fuel system, asset integration, title screen, UI, vfx, assorted bug fixes, help screens, vendor, menu cogs layout
My contributions: Core gameplay, project lead, AI behaviors, main artist, primary writer, tutorial, UI framework and primitives, performance optimizations, environment design, building/furniture art, NPC and object interactions, pathfinding, fairy/gnome sprites, custom editor, particles, input handling, asset management, hints system
Armor rings, player sabre weapon, enemy functionality (tile eater, scrapper, checkpoint), sprites (bat, bug, spawner, tile eater), various bullet improvements, assorted gameplay tuning, game over
Art (wall sword, wall shield, skeleton portrait, zombie with pearl earring, torch sprite, plaques, cave floors/walls), floor tile variations, spikes, tile randomization functionality, wall shadows, stair down tweak, level system
Room design and tile art (yard, kitchen, living room, laundry room), level grid implementation, tile layering, subtile support, animated tile support, fridge boss animations and taunts, ice cube animation integration, teapot animation, title screen and related transitions.
Particle systems (glitch, trace, scan, portal, spawn, missile, color, spark, repair, wait, hex spin, lightning jump, fade, explosion swirl, blip edge pathing), procedural tile selection and wall generation, FX randomization, wall tiles art, decrypt/triangle animations, mock ups (tile bg, walls, void, experimentation with negative space/holes, perspective, color tests), color adjustments, moving wall v2, level design concepts art, floor art, NPC wait animation, warm and cool level themes, lots of asset and code cleanup, additional tile type rules, seam fix, take/drop animations, move animations, highlights art v2, laser walls, tile overlay, title screen background
Network code, lobby UI and code, items pickups, chat, turns and ammo UI, voronoi terrain and procedural spawn locations, player customization menu
Main menu (scroll art, opening animation, buttons, font selection, stone background, and related implementation), volume sliders, pause menu improvements, particle options, lore page
Project management and co-lead, wheel and track mechanics, destruction/breakable physics, spike and spinner functionality, health functionality, parts system for bot design, arena hazards, round setup menus, match timer, player select, enemy AI, scoreboard, sound integration
Art (tables, bar stools, wooden walls, flagstones, bar joints, top wall updates, window, pine tree, cliffs, caves, bonfire animation, castle walls), level design (castle, east woods), Tiled integration (with Andrew), map data conversion, assorted bug fixes, collision system updates, new quest code features, AI zone support, orc boss AI improvements, hammer weapon, wizard area colliders, transitions, enemy placement & tuning