Hello! I’ve been dabbling in game development and game art for years, interspersed throughout my career in graphic design and web development. This collection represents a small portion of games I’ve contributed or lead while a member of HomeTeam GameDev since October 2019, and a few award-winning game jam entries. You can find me lurking and occassionally posting art and gamedev stuff on twitter
Apr 2-July, 2023 :: 10 collaborators in HomeTeam
Project lead, core gameplay, player movement, controls, diggerang, map generation, tile art, particle effects, inventory system, sound code (including compressor), sprite system, collectibles, enemy code (including crawler, tentacle, patroller, bat), debug minimap, damage tuning, screen transition effect, unbreakable bricks, auto-tiles art, ore lifetime, large font, health drops, lighting effects, shield upgrades, treasure details, scoring, upgrades, depth awards, credits display, inventory screen, in-game music, additional player sounds, title screen
March 21-May 22, 2022 :: 9 collaborators in HomeTeamGameDev
Project lead, core gameplay, tile art, map system, collisions, items, bridge feature, level design, inventory, key barriers, minimap fast travel, base enemy mechanics, enemy behavior (bat, bug, enforcer, scrapper polish), camera movement, treasure tile glitch effect, explode sounds, particle system, sounds (player hurt, footstep), custom vector draw code, win state
Jan 16 - May 15, 2022 :: 13 collaborators in HomeTeamGameDev
Tile atlas, level design (shared), dungeon music, whisp particle fix, room optimization (enemies/particles), hit flash, sword swish animation and damage, spike trap functionality, game over handling, ghost enemy refactor, pixel scaling css, room bug fix
Jan 5 - Apr 5, 2020 :: 14 collaborators in HomeTeamGameDev
My contributions: project lead, main concept, core gameplay, flipspace growth, main level design (incl. hub), minimap, title screen, pixel fonts, additional player animations (EV suit, death, no gun crouch/idle), powerup effects, tiles (dirt), many player sounds, hover tooltips, portrait work, assorted bug fixes, map editor integration, UI design, bullet motion/collision, pooling, achievements, doors, boss concept, flying enemies, flipspace jetpack, parallax, environmental hazards, camera tracking
Nov 18, 2018 to Feb 17, 2019 :: 24 collaborators in HomeTeamGameDev
My contributions: project co-lead, city tile and building art, decorative detail tiles art, overworld and interiors level design, depth layer layout, doorway arch effect, story revision, bloom implementation, Tiled integration, drawing optimization code, assorted bugfixes, integrated end game art
Early November 2017 :: Solo project
1st Place winner in the desktop category for JS13k 2017!
Aug 26 to Dec 9, 2018 :: 32 collaborators in HomeTeamGameDev
My contributions: logo, tile editor integration, level 1 design, ground enemy rotation support, flickering after respawn, capsule pickup effects, test level, editor tutorial (internal use), warp challenge functionality, main menu improvements, shot contrast tweaks, made parallax editable per stage
Early Feb 2020 :: 3 collaborators for Global Game Jam 2020
My contributions: game design, artwork, sound effects
Early Oct 2016 :: Solo project
Created for JS13K 2016, this game won 4th place in the desktop category.
Mar 31 to Jun 23, 2019 :: 17 collaborators in HomeTeamGameDev
My contributions: collision velocity resolution code
Jan 26 - Mar 8, 2020 :: 14 collaborators in HomeTeamGameDev
My contributions: particle effects (initial functionality)