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Dope Lookin Tabletops
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· last updated
2023-11-10 02:58:46
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Beast Dream
Befriend monsters and go on a grand adventure
Zargo Games
An anthology of cozy RPGs
Seven tiny unconventional RPGs to enjoy with friends
Grave Liasons
A chocolate-powered roleplaying game about nosy ghosts and flirting with your friends.
Wild Speed: Space Family
A ridiculous action movie RPG
Camp counselors protect their wards from a nightmare monster in this GMless horror RPG.
Possum Creek Games
your body, an altar
The world hungers for your compassion.
Mossy Mechanics!
The Dark Mother's secret tugs at your heart. Will you strive to be a good plant?
Diwata ng Manila
The Steadfast and the Rebellious
A storytelling RPG where you generate a city and its freedom fighters with a deck of cards
W.H. Arthur
The Finest (there will be no music)
The hours before adventure can begin, spent trapped in the belly of the world's worst establishment
Cyborgs & Cigarettes
Prohibition-era Cybernetic Role-Playing
Our Pantheon
A GMless TTRPG about gods creating a world and the people in it
D. W. O'Boyle
Tabletop Archaeology 101
Are You Ready to Join the Dig? A small party game for 3+ players
The D1 RPG
An RPG that only uses 1-sided dice.
Over the Moon
a digital dating-horror game for people who love the moon a little too much
Speak the Sky
The Dark Below
a game for exiles in the dark, where the only way out is through
Anna Landin
Interstellar Errands
a fridge-door TTRPG of fetch quests... in space!
Goblins in Shadow (EARLY ACCESS)
A game of goblin revolutionaries fighting elven oppression in a world of smoke and shadows, Forged in the Dark.
Color Spray Games
One Page Dungeons
Small Dungeons. Big Stories.
Freebooting Rogues of the Infinite Void
Old School Fantasy Gaming in Space, but without the D20s
R. Rook Studio
Dungeon Hero Volume 1: Starter Set
A solitaire 'zine game
Lone Spelunker
Cage of Sand
A time loop horror TTRPG for one or more players
One Page Lore: Fantasy Folk
Making folk in fantasy TTRPGs unique & fun to play without racist undertones condensed into one page each
Jesse Galena - RexiconJesse
Of Bodies
Excited robots discovering their relationship to themselves and the post-Anthropocene
Sascha Moros
It's Dangerous To Go Alone — Take This
A spur of the moment RP game where you play an adventure using only the content of the GM's bag.
Margaret Catter Development
Steamed Hams
A Game About Excellent Ideas
The Queen Returns
A solo rpg about the fate of a country in the Queens absence .
James Chip
Bear Acquaintances
A game about false identities, murder, life advice, and bears
You are a time-traveller on a crucial mission, but something has gone terribly wrong...
Lari Assmuth
Stand Up
A Persona-inspired ttrpg.
Elena Murphy
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