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The Sprawl Non-English Editions and Third Party Supplements

사이버펑크 RPG '스프롤'의 도시 소개 자료집
A Cybergothic Setting for The Sprawl
A Playbook for The Sprawl inspired by Orphan Black
Break into a high-profile corporate gala and steal some data, what could go wrong?
A mission for The Sprawl taking players deep into a populous night market.
A hack to play the Shadowrun setting using the game, The Sprawl
A lightweight downtime system hack for Hamish Cameron's Cyberpunk TTRPG: The Sprawl.
The Sprawl
Jeu de rôle cyberpunk à missions, propulsé par l'Apocalypse, pour lutter contre les megacorporations.
Un recueil de 14 missions cyberpunk pour "The Sprawl"
Un supplément pour le jeu de rôle The Sprawl. Une véritable bible cyberpunk de 400 pages!