Game Developer and 3D artist
Portfolio at
Project lead, core gameplay, main controls, weapon bob, step sounds, low health heartbeat feedback, teleport sound, main weapon features (scattershot, ricochet, rapid fire), store UI, outline shader effect, hub scene, occlusion culling, player death, settings persistence, menu font selection, gamepad support, custom sliders, assorted integration, html5/webGL related support fixes, minor optimizations
Project lead, core gameplay, main Rovey animations (idle, walk, jump, fall), camera control, conveyor belt, lava launcher, waypoint system, moving platform support, spring pad, bounds detection, player health UI, alien egg, caledera scene and related model, title to options transitions, persistent menu options, jetpack bar, ship animation scene, story skip, checkpoint placement, pause screen
Wendigo model and related animations, skull biker (model, animations, implementation), system-wide font replacement, occlusion data, fixes to z fighting, tile and floor patterns, static environment optimization, worldspace shader adjustment with related environment material assignments, improved the moon, door script interaction fix, staircase lights, second floor lighting touchup
Modern skyscraper model, non-Quest VR support, VR cannon scope, trench landscape, blimp model, tree model (original and optimized)
Mech model rig, IK constraints, grunt animation, shield maiden art and rigging
Models (lawn mower, rugs, assorted furniture, dogfight shot), blackout level, factory level, various camera improvements, victory sound effect
Customer ratings screen app for phone, phone scroll view, review messages based on ratings
Idle animation hookup, addl. Japanese localization
UI design, Language selection screen updates, text readability fx, menu background tweak, back arrow touch up
Floor spike art
Player footsteps sounds, start accept dialog, extra time sprite, camera shake, dialog box improvements
Contributions: Portal teleportation, whip animations, time whip equipment, door animation sprites and hookups, lock and key art and implementation, assorted bug fixes
Contributions: Desktop models (book, pencil, glass). UI icons and scrolling
Contributions: TV model and image strip playing functionality