Some of my favorite games on this website. (Click on the title to see my blurbs)
Nice little package with some cipher puzzles. Short, sweet, and spooky. There are flies in the jar.
I remember my sister playing this as a kid. It's a simple little program with shifting alphabetic letters. Basically, it teaches you the alphabet but in a fun way.
Wonderful file-based detective experience. I love every single bug and I wish this was longer. Don't forget to show hidden files!
Gives off FNaF vibes, but has its own identity. Creepy, weird, but great RPG horror experience.
I may be biased, as this was partially made by my friend, but it's a great little puzzle game and I recommend playing it.
A short experience that is literally just a character reveal. It's not even really a game, but dang if it isn't cool.
This simple, strange dino run copycat is actually really good. No, like actually. It surprised me. It's short, but that's the way it works best.
Cool idea, good execution, and is sadly extremely short.
Some days I'll just think about this game, the way it's three colors managed to make me so invested in a story, a puzzle, and a battle mechanic that I think was used in such a clever, strange way. I know this will never be finished, and I respect that, but I just think about this game sometimes.
A simple accidental dating simulator with cute characters.
A lesser known title from the people who made The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe, this walking simulator is delightfully clever.
Fever dream incarnate, painful and honest and a strange experience. Huge epilepsy warning.