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leospeare's wishlist
a collection by
· last updated
2023-11-10 02:57:40
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Lighthouse at the End of the World
A solo journaling game of perseverance in the face of certain doom.
Bannerless Games
VOID 1680 AM
A solo playlist building game about being a lone voice in the dark.
Bannerless Games
Prime Material
A Collection of Fantastic Troika! Backgrounds
A Weird Bronze Age Sword & Sorcery RPG
Dank Dungeons
The Isle
An adventure for The Vanilla Game or another fantastic or historical roleplaying game of your choosing.
Spear Witch
Fungi of the Far Realms
A fictional fungal field guide for your RPG group
Melsonian Arts Council
Crypts of Indormancy
Plunder the tomb of a colonial governor and discover his terrible legacy
Melsonian Arts Council
Featuring Action Castle and Other Adventures
Jared A. Sorensen
A Visitor's Guide to the Rainy City
A doomed fantasy city where the rains never stop!
Superhero Necromancer Press
Under Hill, By Water
A TTRPG about halflings who don't want no adventures, thank you
Rise Up Comus
A surreal game to reject productivism
Cezar Capacle
Blades in the Dark
In bundle
Daring scoundrels in a haunted city
John Harper
Hot Springs Island - COMPLETE (TTRPG)
Swordfish Islands
System agnostic cyberpunk setting in a city of neon daylight
d36: Issue 1
A strange zine
Chris Bissette
What's So Cool About Magic Portals?
A pocket-sized portal game
Chris Bissette
Kozmik Objects & Entities
A collection of strange things and places in deep space
Highland Paranormal Society
a collection of system-agnostic fantasy rpg resources
World Champ Game Co.
Babes in the Wood 2e
a tabletop rpg of kids & critters lost in an endless wood on Halloween night
World Champ Game Co.
DELVE: A Solo Map Drawing Game
In bundle
A Game Of Digging Too Deep
Castle of Memories
In bundle
A solo-TTRPG about exploring a castle and finding lost memories
Purple Moon Games
UVG 1E: Ultraviolet Grasslands and the Black City
A long strange trip through the grasslands of the long long ago.
Alone On A Journey
A collection of solo adventure games
Stewpot: Tales from a Fantasy Tavern
A collection of games for running a tavern with your old adventuring party.
Vast in the Dark
A zine about the exploring dark and alien megastructures of an infinite realm.
Feral Indie Studio
Beak, Feather, & Bone
In bundle
A Map-Labeling RPG
Possible Worlds Games
Rakehell - Issue One: The Rift of Mar-Milloir
a KNAVE zine
Goatman's Goblet
Ex Novo
A playable city-generator and map-making game.
Sharkbomb Studios
Ex Umbra
A playable dungeon-generator and map-making game.
Sharkbomb Studios
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