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Free Patreon Supplements
a collection by
Dylan Grinder
· last updated
2024-05-25 19:48:00
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Free supplements funded by my
Patreon Papers 023: From Aimless to Elite
A leveling system for Stars Without Number
Dylan Grinder
Patreon Papers 022: Grasp the Keys of Hope
A new mechanic for Apocalypse Keys
Dylan Grinder
Patreon Papers 021: Your Legends of Iron
Zelda-themed setting for Ironsworn and beyond
Dylan Grinder
Patreon Papers 020: To Journey Further On
Expanded progression for Ryuutama
Dylan Grinder
Patreon Papers 019: Swords From a Dark Age
6 artifacts for Ironsworn & Ryuutama
Dylan Grinder
Patreon Papers 018: Hell's Court of Demons
Spectator mechanics for Blades in the Dark
Dylan Grinder
Patreon Papers 017: Ailments Dark and Dire
A status effect system built from Ironsworn
Dylan Grinder
Patreon Papers 016: Healing the Heavy Heart
A new mechanic for Blades in the Dark
Dylan Grinder
Patreon Papers 015: Demons in the Darkness
A playbook for Blades in the Dark
Dylan Grinder
Patreon Papers 014: Blades and their Stories
12 artifacts for Ironsworn
Dylan Grinder
Patreon Papers 013: To Hold Ancient Power
7 artifacts for Ironsworn
Dylan Grinder
Patreon Papers 012: Swearing on the Heart
4 moves for Ironsworn
Dylan Grinder
Patreon Papers 011: Cold Storage
A backdrop for Dialect
Dylan Grinder
Patreon Papers 010: Navigating The High Seas
5 moves for Ironsworn
Dylan Grinder
Patreon Papers 009: Paths Bloody and Gilded
2 experience mechanics for Ironsworn
Dylan Grinder
Patreon Papers 008: Power From Knowledge
3 assets for Ironsworn
Dylan Grinder
Patreon Papers 007: Bending the Elements
4 assets for Ironsworn
Dylan Grinder
Patreon Papers 006: A Bite of Iron and Frost
2 moves and an asset for Ironsworn
Dylan Grinder
Patreon Papers 005: The Moves of Fandom
11 moves powered by the apocalypse
Dylan Grinder
Patreon Papers 004: The Holy Domain of Love
A subclass for D&D 5E
Dylan Grinder
Patreon Papers 003: Of Wolves and Witches
4 moves and a playbook for Dungeon World
Dylan Grinder
Patreon Papers 002: Demons and Their Knives
Three moves for the TRPG Dungeon World
Dylan Grinder
Patreon Papers 001: The Fighter & The Sage
Two classes for the TRPG Ryuutama
Dylan Grinder