Ludum Dare 36: the theme was "Ancient Technology".
Activate weird artifact and rotate them to advance in the game!
Ludum Dare 34: the theme was "Two Buttons"
The goals is to navigate on mutiple tiles, each one got two actions and you choose one of them to go further
Ludum Dare 33, the teme was "You're the monster"
You're a powerful weapon trying to escape the army, you got no gun but you can dash, this is the key.
The jam AFAlive, the theme was : disease
You play as an antibody to fight virus cells. You cannot move but you can aim and fire, which will produce a knockback, use it to move around while you shoot the viruses!
MakeSomethingHorrible: the theme was to create a game that failed in some ways.
We have succeeded : the controls are awful
Adaweek 2015
We made that little game on twine, it's a contemplative story.
Pay attention:
it seems like the text is changing.