This was really cute and different and I loved the fourth wall breaks. Triangle was my favourite.
Not a game, but I still loved it (especially the ones for Sam).
Kinda boring, but I like these kinds of things. Yvin is bae, Anton is second.
It was really quite adorable, and I loved Deon (Baby Bear).
Very short, but interesting none the less. Also pretty educational.
Really cute, even with the mature content. Akki is bae.
I love vampires, so this was amazing. Adrian was my favourite but I loved the menage a trois ending.
I loved it even more than the first one, and I thought the first one was the best thing to ever happen to me. Sam tho. Definitely worth the $10.
I literally fell in love with Sam. I love tsunderes. #SamIsTheBest
I was melting the entire time.