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Tools/Assets/Non-GamePage 2

The graphic design tool.
Programmable Multi-Platform Code Editor
Create your whole tileset instantly.
Procedural pixel-art tile creator
A branching dialogue editor for game developers. Can be used with any game engine / framework​.
a short comic zine illustrating an ancient Jewish mystical text on angels
an informational mini-zine on Jewish demon folklore
altgames and digital garbage zine
Bring your stories and ideas to life!
Deios is the greatest glitchventure surrealist abstract art game. Take thought as a god and destroy deity.
Small, expressive subtractive synthesizer
Simple volume and pitch fluctuation
Tasty, cozy delay plugin
Set of hex tiles and icons for fantasy maps in your video game or print tabletop rpg!
generates cyberpunk corporations and logos, part of the upcoming Black Ice
Houdini is wanted for murder. Sherlock Holmes won't take his case, but Watson just might.
Trichromatic and 16x16 pixels sized tiles, objects and monsters for a roguelike dungeon crawler.
Offline-first project management designed for artists and designers
A FPS engine with 3D collision checking and seamless room linking!
A digital toolset for the LANCER TTRPG
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