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a collection by syghud · last updated 2023-11-10 12:36:24
A role playing game for two poets, pilots, players
Jailbreak a mech, run, or lose your life.
A game about texting your friends goodbye from space.
A daring game of trust and thievery.
A solarpunk story game played on the Story Synth platform, as a hack of For the Queen
ASOUE-inspired PBTA game where you attempt to seize the fortunes of plucky orphans.
A question-based PBTA ttrpg about students having adventures at Hogwarts!
Version française de Sunset Kills, un jeu PbtA de Jesse Ross.
Sonic The Hedgehog inspired, PbtA pen and paper, tabletop roleplaying ruleset.
A PBtA Game about Cat Memes invading human dreams
Buffy and Charmed meets PbtA
Drifted is a PbtA game about being astray and confused in mysterious place that feeds on memories and emotions
Blades in the Dark Fantasy Hack - Biz Card RPG Jam (early entry)
Un jeu de rôle pour créer des histoire épiques dans l'esprit des pulps et série Z
Sword-and-whiskers roleplaying
A short story game/LARP thing about love and death for Hot Horror Jam
A game of loose cannons, car chases, and bad muthas
A horror game about conflict
Fight crime! Rectify injustice! Piss off the cops!
a ""game"" created through both drunken and automatic writing with no edits permitted
a two-player storytelling game
a party game about begging for mercy from an eldritch being, inspired by Dolly Parton's Jolene
A Self-Care Ritual
a tiny self-care game vs. the Orwellian machines.
A solo origami game about transforming into a beautiful bird
a character creation game that makes you clean your room
A storytelling game of sorcerous apprentices and petty grudges
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