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✎ angela quidam's art packs

a collection by dan qui dam · last updated 2023-11-10 02:55:57

angela quidam, illustrator /

6 Artifacts of Horror (Jam)

items for the incoming solo AoH game - Creative Comrades license

dinot are not dinos
various stuff you can use
[FR/EN] mini-zine-zini
Run in browser
EF jam submission/art pack | cc-by-nc
illustrations for Crossroad Chronicler #1-4 | cc-by-nc
Cosmic horror ink + illustrations, cc-by-nc
"Film noir" characters illustrations, cc-by-nc
[1 idea per day for a month] "ttrpg inktober"
3x8 illustrations [CC & CCLA]
solo pnp cardgame in which you're doing preventive archaeology
jam submission. it's like twine, but worse. in a pdf format