Demo. Completed 8/28/20. While the art is nice, I'm not meshing well with the writing style. There's something very grating about it. I think it's because I'm supposed to feel like Marion is this empowered lady, but in practice I didn't get that vibe at all. There's something about how the LIs interact with her that bothers me too, but that's more a subjective taste issue rather than a structural writing one. I wanted to like this game, but. C'est la vie. 3/10
Demo, completed 9/30/19. There's going to be a kickstarter October 4th. Wonderfully polished demo, great art, MC with personality, and intriguing story. Will try to donate. Favorite so far is Bash, but he's not...romanceable. Stretch goals please! ;-; - Update: 8/31/20 - a lot of improvements in the recent redone demo, game's been helped a lot with the added interests. Writing's been improved, and the world feels a lot bigger. 9/10.
Finished ???? A demo. I have no idea what I just played but oh my god I love it.
This is a demo. Completed 8/25/19. Or around then anyway. This demo was wonderful! Great length, intro'ed everyone important, etc. I had a lot of fun and really enjoyed playing through the game. Trying to get different combos and seeing what affected Holden and how was interesting. GB's writing tends to either be a hit or a miss for me, but this one was very much a hit! Looking forward to when this comes out. 8/10
A demo. Completed 9/3/19. English translation needs work, but what is there is interesting. I don't feel right giving a rating because of that. Hopefully they'll improve.
This is a demo. Twisted is running a kickstarter, and as of today, has 29 days to go, at 33% funding. The funding goal is rather low, so the chances of it getting funded are high. I have enjoyed this creator's other works, so I went into the demo expecting good things. They did not disappoint. The player is thrown right into the thick of it with Sage, making you wonder about the world alongside them. There are great hints of mystery right from the start, and I'm excited to learn more. 8/10. Completed 9/3/19
This is a demo. A kickstarter is in progress and as of today have 24 days remaining for funding at 41%. I think there's a high chance of success. As to the demo-rather short. Doesn't introduce every major character, which isn't great for a kickstarter demo. Art is beautiful and the premise has a lot of promise. Honestly it's hard to judge because again, the demo is so short. I'm not going to give a rating for now. Completed 9/3/19
I really enjoyed this! It's a demo but I'm really looking forward to the end product. Nice art, familiar faces lol, writing is pretty nice. Male and female protags are their own actual characters too, which I highly enjoy. 7/10. Completed 8/28/19
This is a demo. To be honest, it's rather short so I don't think I'll give it a rating yet...The writing is a bit clunky, probably because its' writer's first language is French. There are couple interesting bits about the world dropped in that pique my interest, but not enough to get me excited yet. The UI is beautiful, as well as the art. Needs more polish, but it can shine. Date completed 8/27/19
A lot of interesting concepts that are bogged down by what feels like first draft writing. Good demo work though-it knows on what note to end on. The art style for the sprites are cute and interesting, I like the slight comic book feel. 3/10. Date completed 8/27/19.
A cute demo. A lot longer than I thought it'd be. Got onto Lark's route, although I wasn't really trying to. The writing is good, I like Carlota a lot and the difference in personality her choices can imply. I hope it can come out soon! 7/10. Completed 6/13/19
Demo. One route is available, Matt's. Didn't like Matt personally, but the other characters seemed better. Date 6/6/19. Rating 6/10
A cute game! Fully finished, takes about an hour to play through. Nice when you want something short and sweet. Rating 6/10. Date 6/5/19
Demo. Art is beautiful and writing seems solid. There's an interesting plot and friction between characters. The MC having powers is a plus, and I'd like to see how they play out. 7/10 Date: 6/2/19
Demo. Interesting so far, beautiful art style. I like Sam more than Farah, mostly because he has some good facial expressions. Also, having the face of a youngin but internally being like, 60? Relatable. 7.5/10 right now, but I can definitely see this possibly becoming a 9. Date: 6/4/19
Short demo. Liked that the MC isn't a very nice person-adds some flair. Needs a little more to entice me, but I give it a 6/10 for now. Date: 6/5/19
Played through the demo in its entirety on 6/4/19. Very fun, a nice cute game. Hopefully gets finished. 7/10
I'm on chapter 7 out of 7, Alkar&Omen poly route. More chapters will come out. Writing is solid, but I feel the MC is rather lacking. Personally, I like more drama, and everyone seems a bit too nice. Rating: 5/10
Played this a long time ago...maybe 2016? Didn't complete, lost progress. Return to it.
Right now, this game in demo. But it has a lot of promise. The writing is great, and I'm very interested as to where the story will go. I've played through most of the extended demo content as recently as 5/31/19. Tentative rating: 8
The true ending to this game was the best. Cyanide Tea is a great team that makes wonderful games. This game was 100% completed.