Get all of the rules for the world's greatest mutant carton animal game—all in one slender volume of 96 pages.
Blister Critters is super fun and easy to learn. Choose any Critter you want (as long as they're small—you could even be a teacup elephant) and set off to explore a Stuff-filled world after humans! Play the game gnarly- or zany-style! Die a Critter or live long enough to see yourself become a Beast!
Get the pay-what-you-want quickstart for the world's greatest mutant cartoon animal TTRPG!
These notes toward a campaign setting for Blister Critters setting—downtown Atlanta—includes plot hooks, statblocks, and lotsa weird little drawings! Plus—it's all about squirrels! Who don't love a squirrel!?
Free community locations and encounters for everyone's favorite mutant cartoon eco-apocalyptic TTRPG!