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a collection by Ess · last updated 2024-06-30 20:52:49
Includes 40,000+ game assets including 2D sprites, 3D models and more!
20,000+ game assets for use in your games! - the tool to create visual novels of highest quality in minimal time
Create categories, sidebars, "latest" sections for your profile page!
inventory, shop, crafting, quests, and battle systems for ren'py!
Plan your game.
Easily create dynamic visual novel content and sequenced animations with VNgen by XGASOFT
3 different pixel art pots, each with a breaking animation, and totally free!
A gender-neutral pixel art base for RPG or adventure game characters.
64 16x16 food icons.
A simple 32x32 top-down asset pack with a basic tileset and assets
Assets for setting up a top down house interior! [Royalty Free] [Pixel Art] [Top Down] [2D]
Selection of 16x16 and 32x32 furniture
Pixel Art Top Down Tileset with Grasslands Theme Free
Asset pack for game development.
A set of graphics created for use with RPGMMV and Yanfly's grid-free-doodads plugin.