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KevinBates's Collection
a collection by
· last updated
2023-11-10 02:55:20
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A lo-fi sci-fi RPG SRD
Jason Tocci
LIGHT (PWYW Version)
An RPG of immortal guardians.
Gila RPGs
Anyone Can Wear the Mask (Ultimate Edition)
A game about a superhero, a supervillain, and the city they share.
Jeff Stormer
Ex Umbra
A playable dungeon-generator and map-making game.
Sharkbomb Studios
galactic 2e
a game of rebellion, relationships, and war among the stars.
riley rethal
Revenant Hearts
A card-based tabletop RPG about Death's agents carrying out missions in the mortal world.
No Room for a Wallflower: Act 1
A narrative campaign for Lancer RPG
Massif Press
World of Dungeons
Simple, quick, dungeon-crawling action
John Harper
Invincible Sword Princess
A Rules-Lite Game of Postcolonial Revenge
Kazumi Chin
Dungeon Scrawl
A simple and effective grid-based mapping tool to help you set the scene for any battle.
Run in browser
Interstitial: Our Hearts Intertwined
Crossovers, Friends, and the People We Meet Along The Way
Riley Hopkins
If Not Us, Then Who?
A gmless card game where you have a recap podcast for a show of your own making!
Riley Hopkins
Island Planner
bubble wand games
Run in browser
Beyond the Rift
A metroidvania-like tabletop game set in a world without memory.
Emily Pennyway
The Stolen City
A procedurally generated city crawl
Highland Paranormal Society
War in the Year 3000
A gmless game about living in an Age of Military Entertainment
Rufus Roswell
Seeds of Rebellion
A Revolutionary Roleplaying Game
Nora Blake
the riot starts
a gmless rpg about revolution and community in the capitalist hell of the underworld.
riley rethal
Home Again
A magical realist game of reclamation
Nell Raban
black mass
a game about seeking and finding in the woods of Salem
will jobst
Tendencies: Spirits and Glamour
Tend To The World, Tend To Your Hearts
Hella Big Claws
Hack the Planet: Cyberpunk Forged in the Dark
Cyberpunk Forged in the Dark
Fraser Simons
Meguey & Vincent's PbtA Eye-Openers
A suite of small games designed to show how far PbtA can go.
Meguey & Vincent Baker, et al
Facade: A Transvampiric Manifesto
A Transvampiric Roleplaying Game Sparked by Resistance
Nora Blake
What Will I Do When You're Gone?
A game about a squad of mech pilots that falls apart.
Takuma Okada
dusk to midnight
a gmless rpg about doomed soldiers in a losing war.
riley rethal
Star Crossed: The Two Player Game of Forbidden Love
A tabletop game about really, really wanting to when you really, really shouldn't.
Bully Pulpit Games
Beam Saber
In bundle
A TTRPG about pilots and their massive war machines.
Austin Ramsay
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