A list of all the TTRPGs I own so that my friends can look through them for game nights. The first 60 or so are the ones I find most interesting. Many come from large charity bundles. Quite a few are only one page long.
Theoretically my favorite game!
Everchanging stat system without a setting.
GMless. Dark Souls meets The Seventh Seal.
Really neat transformation system. Potential to get freaky any which way you define it.
Cool little guy world!
GMless. Go to a magical market. May not return.
Randomly generated spells.
Funny traits! A FIST mod
Phasmophobia the TTRPG
A role playing game about exploring a role playing game.
Pride and Prejudice and Gobos
Multiple players, one puppet
Cool mini games
Trapped in an endless mall
Phoenician mythology
Cyborg building game. Way more interesting than the thumbnail.
No skeletons here, no siree!
No animals here, no siree!
One person plays the character and the group throws scary things at them.