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Reached Out To The Developer. This game has you exploring the interface of an old PC that you found. While exploring, you encounter puzzles to solve, minigames, and jumpscares, as you learn more about the computer's original owner. The game has an eerie vibe to it and commits to its computer UI very well, making it feel like you're actually on the old computer in real life.
Reached Out To The Developer. This game is a roguelike horror that has you going through multiple rooms, fighting against different monsters through turn-based combat. The game has an eerie aura to it but is slow-paced, due to the nature of roguelike games expecting players to play through the game multiple times. It's also on the more difficult side.
Reached Out To The Developer. The game has you play a card game against a man holding you captive in a burning tower. You must beat him in this card game to escape the tower. The game itself is interesting and it's cool how the fire in the background intensifies as the game progresses, but I'm not sure if it fits the theme of "Darkness of the mind"