Games that support app communication with sex toys via protocol: natively or via 3rd-party modifications. Email me if you'd like to include your project in this list.
Native support with main menu control
Native support with main menu control
Native support
Native support
Native support
Native support right in the game
Native support with main menu control (only on desktop)
Native support right in the game
Native support right in the game
Supported via 3rd-party mod DeppartPrototype HentaiPlay
Supported via 3rd-party mod LoveMachine
Native support with main menu control
Native support without connection and device control, but with options for vibration frequency and strength
Supported through a 3rd-party mod UKButt for a version of the game outside of
Modifies the game client unavailable in
Supported via 3rd-party mod Elf Jail with support
Completely based to use of protocol compatible devices
Supported natively through the settings menu: read developer's tutorial
Supported via 3rd-party mod Lust Doll+: Essentials
Supported natively through the advanced settings menu
Supported by 3rd-party mod Buttplug for Captivity