Started skipping the new scenes.
Good porn. Bad AVN.
It does not spark joy.
Sandbox. Revoked the benefit of the doubt.
So much references there's barely anything original in this one. Trying to hard to be funny.
Didn't really liked it. Was up to try again before. But am feeling like focusing more on the good ones.
Got bored playing Ep10.
Lost interest
Sandbox. Didn't like the intro.
Too slow. No harem. Not interested.
Same quality as TFMG.
Not worth it
It gets boring
Not interesting enough
Boring. Useless mechanics getting in the way.
Didn't like the demo. Didn't inspire me enough to look in another castle.
Last played episode 6
Interesting story but it lost me at episode 5.
Art good. Animation good enough. Unnecessary Point and click but the hint helps. Relationships is the weak point.
Last played season 3. Got bored.
Last played v0.10g
The demo wasn't convicing enough. Didn't bother to try looking for a more recent version.
Last played v2.3 on PC
No harem.
Confusing ass story. Weak.
Weak.Not interested
Not really my thing. The VN mode helps but I ended up skipping most of the time.
Didn't care about the characters/story. Got bored. I tried multiple times to make sure I wasn't bored before I even begin but that was not the case.
Sandbox. Laggy. Lust power doesn't interest me.
Not really interested in the plans for this game. The development is slow, Maybe play once it is complete. Playing during development could help with trying different routes every update but the replayability seems weak in this one.
Dropped it around chapter 2x (twenty and something)
Got bored and uninterested in the story.
Last played v0.9.2 on PC
Got bored and didn't finish. I had good memories from the first time I played but this time I just got bored. Even tried coming back after a few days but it didn't help.