directly tied to the game 'When Twilight Strikes', this really won't make much sense if you haven't played that lol.
TW's; cannibalism, gore, death, frostbite(?), being stranded!
...jesus fucking christ.
this is so cool, i wish gay people were real. /j
TW's: alcoholism, toxic relationship, non-consensual degradation!
is gender a game? (yes)
>> A voice crackles through the static of the transmitter.
zucchini pasta and billionaires ruining everything.
day c~o~l~d. wind F A S T. you bird.
TW's; alcoholism, generational trauma!! please don't play if you think/know you can't handle it, but to those who can, just know that it's a great game that hits harder than anything with 500 words has the right to.
TW's for pregnancy, parenting, post-partum depression, and self-doubt/loathing. take care of yourselves<3.
he eated me goddammit
omw to murder every single billionaire brb