A collection of games for my boyfriend Lucas to play on discord/twitch/or in person!
A game about a man with a red face.
A game about driving while shooting your enemies, reviews report loving the way you could interact with the vehicle and the slowmo’s make you feel badass.
Rich in interactive objects and surroundings, a world to explore where slowly but surely a story begins to form…
Iron Lung but in VR! Man these submarines are cool.
A submarine VR game! Sound super cool, I’m jealous he gets to play it.
Car runs out of gas, you're stranded, etc. etc. Chased by a creature in the darkness... I feel like good scares for Lucas are some good chase scenes, so hopefully this is a good one for him.
Hyper realism, kinda looks similar to games Lucas has played before.
A nice little puzzle game to confuse Lucas.
This seems right up his ally. He likes games about aliens and stuff, and the reviews seemed really promising.
Looks weird, but interesting. I don't think he'll play this but because it's weird, I'm saving it.
Really want him to play this, it costs money, but when he's ready I'll pay for it. I think he'll enjoy it, even if it is high stress/pressure. It's what I usually send him to play, so I think he'll like the change of pace.
A game where photos become reality. Pretty unique, hopefully Lucas will enjoy.
Lucas said he wanted to play this so I'm adding it here, so I won't forget! I believe this is about fishing, but maybe with monsters?
Realistic looking horror game, I think Lucas will find it too generic for him, as he has played a lot of games of this type. However, the graphics look nice.
Going to an arcade... except in VR. Looks pretty cool, but basic. Hopefully, Lucas will have fun walking around a VR arcade.
Basically, just Granny but on VR.
VR but hopefully Lucas would think that the game is cool because of the collision dynamics. Guns, and hopefully some realistic movement. I think it has full body sensors if that's something that he has.
Not horror, no story, just racking up points. Endless.