The Test-by *EXISTING* (Young and Alone)
Please Answer Carefully-litrouke (i miss you too)
Alchemist's Cafe-by Jacob Aberdevine (mana tea)
Bread-by Top productions (bread score-150)
Phantom Cafe-by 0_stamina (devil girl)
Cafe-by sorecactus (Shane)
BARISTA-by Laura E. (Americano, hot water, milk, coffee grains)
Barista-by jinxedbyte (serving France)
The Open House-by corpsepile (LaurenZside and Steve)
make sure it's closed-by corpsepile (father, there is a man crawling towards me)
The Man Man-by corpsepile (LaurenZside Crawling Carl)
Astro Belt's Dating Sim-by Astro.Belt (Comet)
Valentine Date-by magi_kera (introvert best friend)
Where did you go?-by millarosemary (you hear her calling your name)
No. How do you delete someone's game?
Murder the Murderers-by mattmichielsen (dog and falling red dudes)
kill-by thomx2345 (like Bobby!)
Bobby!-by hooty557 ('fountain')
Bee-by Emily Short (spelling bee and Jerome)
NOTICE-by jakeberry
Baking Prototype-YEEEW
Bake Care-by Raespark (Chippany)
eggs.-by Puck (click eggs to make family)
Murder on the Murder Express-by Spencer C (Shrimbley, business, doctor)