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Blades in the Dark
a collection by
· last updated
2024-04-09 00:30:09
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The Commerce Almanac [for Blades in the Dark]
a supplement to BitD
Blades in the Dark Recover Hack
A hack of the BitD Recovery system
Blades in the Dark Crew Book: Greybreakers
Illicit Street Artists and Vandal Activists
A Couple of Drakes
Unofficial Blades in the Dark Smuggler Score Pack
Five one-page scores for your smuggler crew.
A Couple of Drakes
Sister Escape - A Blades in the Dark Score
A Blades in the Dark score about "rescuing" a girl from a convent to be reunited with her lover
Drivers Playbook (for Blades in the Dark)
A new custom playbook for Blades in the Dark. Play a crew of reckless Drivers with a spark-craft vehicle.
Darque's Ledger: Five Unofficial Blades in the Dark Scores
Five ready-to-go scores for Blades in the Dark. Just add scoundrels.
Bannerless Games
Blades in the Dark: The Missing Marvels of Mallory Morell
A set of scores for Blades in the Dark
Adam Brimmer
Omens in The Dark: a GMless Blades in The Dark supplement
Tables and other resources for supporting solo and co-op play using Blades in The Dark.
Guilherme Monçores
An Amateur's Guide to Hacking Blades in the Dark
A primer for amateur designers to make their first Blades in the Dark hack
Unofficial Blades in the Dark Score Collection #2: The Hour of Silk
Ten more ready-to-run one-page scores for Blades in the Dark
A Couple of Drakes
Unofficial Blades in the Dark Score Collection #1: The Hour of Chains
Ten ready to run one-page scores for Blades in the Dark
A Couple of Drakes
Blades in the Dark: Blades Out
A heist at a murder mystery!
Hey It’s Skyshark