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Tables & Generators

a collection by misc-ellany · last updated 2024-04-06 03:55:30
a character creation game
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generate a walking shitpost in the form of a 5e character
Interactive Fiction
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a superquick fantasy & sci-fi setting generator
an unnaturally augmented tarot deck in twine
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(set:$dream to "any")
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a one-second rpg character backstory & motive generator
Role Playing
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a 1d100 character demotivations table
generate a queer+trans 20something story game protagonist
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can be used for character generation!!! (rather than just as a handy tool to track a character sheet)

A short dungeon generator for any system
24 word dungeon generator on a business card
Generate a dungeon one word at a time.
A table for encountering locked doors in any TTRPG