"Sound of Silence" is an isometric exploration and adventure game in which Jihad attempts to rescue his sister Marwa from under the rubble and, at the same time, find a way to avoid the airstrikes.
Developed about 2.5 years ago for a game jam, A Bird's Tale is a platformer inspired by how Palestinian farmers having their trees and livelihoods cut down by Israeli forces, affecting the surrounding ecosystem as well, so I thought let's tackle the theme from an innocent bird's perspective.
After a long struggle with occupation, Palestine and its people are finally liberated, they return home to find the remains of what the soldiers destroyed, with only a few exceptions remaining intact, including an ancient mighty olive tree that stood proud and strong, known as Um Al-Zaytoun, or Mother of Olives. Play as Nour, a young adult who returned to Palestine with their Teta, or Grandma. Discover the story and struggle of the Palestinian people after the Nakba while recreating products from the olive tree made by traditional means.
ساعد امل على تحقيق حلمها في استعادة الارض مرة اخري، والسيبل الوحيد لذلك هو عن طريق جمع اجزاء الارض الضائعة والمشتتة بين الفرق منهم من أنهكته الصراعات الداخلية ومنهم من لم يبالي مرة أخري، ولكن سيظل فينا أمل ما دام فينا الروح.
This is an interactive version of a poem called "Oh Rascal Children of Gaza" by Khaled Juma. This was created as a response to the dehumanization of Palestinian children that I was seeing. I hope this project encourages people to be more empathetic.
In this dark narrative, play as a reporter, a volunteer, and a medic while going to help people across your city to raise awareness on how your people are being treated before they are killed. Will you be able to save them and have the UN call for a successful ceasefire or will they all die first?
A short emotional RPG game that invites players to reflect on themes of loss, resilience, and the enduring power of Palestinians.
A poetic game experience on the symbolism of the olive tree and a celebration of life under horrific circumstances.
A game about poetry, art and the separation wall in the West Bank.