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GraphixGod's CollectionPage 2

a collection by GraphixGod · last updated 2024-02-05 13:38:23
Run a common event after random encounters
3 Simple tricks to create in horror
With the help of this plugin it is possible to make minor adjustments to the default system.
A editor to easily set attachment points to sprites.
Create conditional rules to determine enemy drops
Extending, improving and fixing Pixel Game Maker MV
Enhances the camera system of RPG Maker MZ, including easing effects for scrolling!
Write games in JavaScript.
Toggle through and use items on the game map in ABS games!
A skill equip plugin for RMMZ. Also enables you to limit the number of skills to be used in battle.
Gives users the ability to alter Default Equipment Slots and Order
Increase the number of frames for character sprite sheets!
Create beautiful windows, easy to change settings, can be in the game is variable
Change your default Scene Shop in RPG Maker MZ projects to something Undertale-ish
MENU COLLECTION #1: "Adventure" for RPG Maker MZ
Allow players to level up equipment during gameplay
A versatile plugin for applying camera filters in RPG Maker MV. *
The fun way to make games, animations, stories, and share them with the world.
Run in browser
A recreation of Ninja Saga's battle ui for RMMZ.
Create your own custom main menu for RPG Maker game
Allow players to customize their own actors
The sprite generator
Quickly create hand crafted 2D/2.5D landscapes and levels!
Pixel Engine improves RPG Maker MZ rendering by removing smoothing effects for a crisper visual experience.
This plugin automatically changes the resolution of the game to the screen size of the device used.
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