I suck at reviewing games, but here's some games I like :D
(Click to see what I think of themm :D)
I watched ManlyBadassHero play it, but I was still scared af. Good tension building.
Yet to explore it a bit more, can't seem to find time for it :/
Not the greatest but was still cool.
Quick game which glitched on me and allowed me to walk all the way to the end boss because of some enemies not spawning. To be honest, it was pretty funny. xd
Still enjoyed it.
8 tall wolves out of 10 friendships
Really liked it. Short, good game with neat puzzles. Endings super easy to get, which isn't a bad thing. Very decent game.
Very good tension builder, was one edge through all of it.
Not a horror game, just a game who is so bad it traumatised me. :D
I hate these kinds of things, it messes up my mind. Yes, I still play them. Very good game.
Managed to complete it, very good at building tension.
Very interesting and scary concept.
Only knew about Project Kat, but my friend showed me this game and I really enjoyed it! I have yet to finish it, but I'm eagerly awaiting the full release!!
I really liked this game, it's short but good. The puzzles were creative and I found them on the harder side but satifying. I'm used to puzzles being annoying (maybe because I suck at them, who knows) so it was a pleasant surprise.
10 windows XP / 5 friends who are away