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Fantastic Supplements and SRDs
a collection by
Lucky Newt Games
· last updated
2024-08-30 14:50:38
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Indie TTRPG Generator
A little tool that makes up TTRPG names
Michael Klamerus
Run in browser
CUPS: the Comprehensive Universal Poem System
Buckle up: it's about to get CUPS in here
Chubby Crow Games
Roll Up!
A TTRPG system for group or solo play
Hugh Lashbrooke
Passkey SRD
An SRD for making TTRPGs focused on player agency, customisation and narrative role-play.
Penflower Ink
The Little Red Playbook for Thirsty Sword Lesbians
A convention playbook for Thirsty Sword Lesbians
Darling Bat Games
The Broken-Hearted playbook
A playbook for Thirsty Sword Lesbians
Witches Loving Witches games
Fate Stories
A table-top rpg for any world, any concept, any theme. Driven by you!
Stefan Makes Games
Crawling Death Below the Dying Forest
An ever-shifting dungeon crawl compatible with Mörk Borg.
Creature Curation
Beyond the Mirror
Enter into a whole new world through the mirror.
Sword and Pen Games
The Last Trial: AGON Scenario
A scenario for the AGON rpg
Matteo Sciutteri
The Real Housewives of Innsmouth
A one-page ttrpg of catty fish women competing on reality tv
Crackerjackalope Games
d20 Magical Goat Companions
20 magic goats that make great companions for any rpg
Lost In Cretaceous Park (A To Change Adventure)
A role playing adventure set in a failed dinosaur theme park with a TF twist!
expressive mini-games & supplements
Forage Teller
a resource foraging generator
Rebecca Strang
Five Year Mission
OSR Star Trek Supplement
Kirt Dankmyer
Jubelius’ Compendium of Spooky Things - Vol 1
A 24 pages supplement, including a new race, a new class, new items and new monsters for the 5th edition!
Magnum Logos
A multi-dice agnostic TTRPG system.
Mundos Infinitos
Sci-Fi Character Portraits 3: Encounters of the Third Pack
More than a hundred more original characters for your space game!
Ashen Victor
The Re-Roller System: An Index Card-Sized TTRPG System
An Index-Card Sized System
Edible Plants of the Fantasy Wilds
In bundle
a forager's guide
Darkheart Games
Otherworldly Flesh
One page, system neutral, sci-fi scenario about an organic spacecraft.
Francisco Lemos
QUILL.exe: Transmissions from the Black
A Science Fiction Setting Supplement for A Letter-Writing Game for A Single Player
Seamus Conneely
The Admirer Playbook for Thirsty Sword Lesbians
A star-struck fan playbook for Thirsty Sword Lesbians
Darling Bat Games
Merchants of the Multiverse
NPCs for all your fantasy role-playing games
tim zee
Bakery Asset Pack
Image Assets for a Bakery Setting
Desiccated Temple of Locha
A desiccated aquatic temple one-shot OSR-style adventure for lower level PC's
Andrew Duvall
Trap-Maker's Collection
Pocket Classic Traps
Mundos Infinitos
The Enduring, A Masks: A New Generation Playbook
Neon Nights NPC Mega Pack
100 Page NPC Pack for Neon Nights!
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