This is an outstandingly well-made fantasy VN, across every creative aspect that goes into it. Designs and descriptions tend to be subtle and mundane, which makes it all the more vivid when they aren't.
I recommend reading this one without looking up more about it.
It's hard to describe this one. What I can say for certain is that it's both as advertised and at the same time very much not what you would expect from that. And I mean that very positively, because I don't think this is a VN that can be summed up in a way that would set thoroughly accurate expectations.
I strongly recommend giving this a try (but mind the content warnings), espectially if you like written sci-fi.
This will probably wreck you if you have certain kinds of trauma (especially if you have them without realising it), but in a good way. It's also occasionally very funny.
It's not well-possible (or advisable) to summarise what you're in for here, but I will say that you may want to set aside a few days for reading it, since it can pull you in pretty heavily and there are some parts where you likely will want some time to process after or not be interrupted.
This RPG is firmly in the "come for the porn, stay for the story (and also the porn)" category.
The game will likely keep you busy for upwards of 12 hours in its current form (without being grindy!), though it clearly has a habit of staying on players minds far longer than that. Don't attempt to play through it in one sitting.
Note that releases are slow-paced, as the two developers work on the game between other commitments. So far each update left off with the conclusion of a 'chapter' of sorts, which together with fan creations makes the wait easier.