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Vedal played this game on stream

a collection by Catt0s · last updated 2024-01-08 00:03:16

Games Vedal played during the subathon. With results from game jam. 

Since vedal's game does get included in rankings, a `*` next to a score means to subtract one to account for this

Fun facts about these 24 games vedal played:

  1. There are 30 instances of total top-10 scores (across 11 games). 
  2. The only category he did not play the #1 game in was Audio. 
  3. He played all #2 categories except for 'fun' - same with #4
  4. He did not play the #3 in Theme or Innovation 
  5. 16 of these games beat Vedal's game in at least 1 category 

Top-down shooter with Neuro lost in a file system!
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Catt0s says

Fun #30* 3.568 3.568

Visuals #45* 3.500 3.500

Overall #65* 2.950 2.950

Innovation #67* 2.886 2.886

Audio #75* 2.477 2.477

Theme #98* 2.318 2.318

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Catt0s says

Fun #01 4.452 4.452

Overall #03 4.090 4.090

Innovation #04 4.167 4.167

Theme #11 3.881 3.881

Audio #12* 3.881 3.881

Visuals #16* 4.071 4.071

Softlocked, tried again and got it in many 2 tries, he had lots of fun tho

A Speedrunner, Platformer through Evil's Abandoned Archive. Made In 3 days for the Neuro-sama Birthday Game Jam
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Catt0s says

Theme #26* 3.679 3.679

Fun #48* 3.250 3.250

Overall #53* 3.107 3.107

Audio #63* 2.750 2.750

Innovation #64* 2.929 2.929

Visuals #82* 2.929 2.929

Browser mouse sensitivity issues

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Catt0s says

Fun #26 3.667 3.667

Audio #35* 3.357 3.357

Visuals #41* 3.571 3.571

Overall #51* 3.148 3.148

Innovation #84* 2.595 2.595

Theme #88* 2.548 2.548

Score: 0

Help Neuro-sama find all the cookies she's been promised!
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Catt0s says

Visuals #24* 3.944 3.944

Audio #32* 3.389 3.389

Theme #33* 3.556 3.556

Overall #38* 3.311 3.311

Fun #56* 3.139 3.139

Innovation #88* 2.528 2.528

A Neuro-sama story, lost and found.
Interactive Fiction
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Catt0s says

Theme #01 4.412 4.412

Overall #02 4.220 4.220

Audio #03 4.196 4.196

Fun #05 4.157 4.157

Visuals #07* 4.451 4.451

Innovation #14 3.882 3.882

Amazing novel

I await my participatory payment of 86 Vietnamese Dong
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Catt0s says

Audio #19* 3.600 3.600

Theme #43* 3.400 3.400

Overall #48* 3.183 3.183

Fun #59* 3.114 3.114

Innovation #62* 2.943 2.943

Visuals #86* 2.857 2.857

Vedal couldn't beat is

A mix between "Where's waldo" and "Wanted" minigame from Super Mario 64 DS.
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Catt0s says

Theme #02 4.298 4.298

Audio #08* 3.979 3.979

Overall #09* 3.877 3.877

Fun #13 4.021 4.021

Visuals #22* 4.021 4.021

Innovation #57* 3.064 3.064

Piece together your crashed spaceship, bit by bit!
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Catt0s says

Innovation #02 4.207 4.207

Overall #20* 3.641 3.641

Audio #33* 3.379 3.379

Visuals #33* 3.793 3.793

Fun #38* 3.448 3.448

Theme #44* 3.379 3.379

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Catt0s says

Audio #23* 3.517 3.517

Visuals #23* 3.966 3.966

Overall #35* 3.414 3.414

Fun #38* 3.448 3.448

Theme #56* 3.138 3.138

Innovation #59* 3.000 3.000

Evil-Neuro takes over the world, what comes after?
Interactive Fiction
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Catt0s says

Audio* #16 3.715 3.792

Theme #18 3.797 3.875

Overall* #26 3.552 3.625

Visuals* #27 3.878 3.958

Innovation* #44 3.225 3.292

Fun #55* 3.144 3.208

Evil will RUIN Neuro's cute robots
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Catt0s says

Visuals #02 4.881 4.881

Audio #04 4.194 4.194

Overall #10* 3.875 3.875

Fun #11 4.030 4.030

Innovation #35* 3.313 3.313

Theme #64* 2.955 2.955

Catt0s says

Visuals #05 4.707 4.707

Audio #06 4.098 4.098

Overall #07 3.941 3.941

Innovation #22 3.634 3.634

Theme #25 3.683 3.683

Fun #29 3.585 3.585

(By vedal)

Vedal awakens from a rough night, hearing Neuro call out in distress, then gets pulled into a mysterious digital world.
Catt0s says

Overall #01 4.276 4.276

Audio #02 4.333 4.333

Visuals #03 4.786 4.786

Theme #04 4.262 4.262

Innovation #07 4.095 4.095

Fun #17 3.905 3.905

Vedal skill issue

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Catt0s says

Overall #04 4.010 4.010

Audio #07 4.048 4.048

Visuals* #10 4.357 4.357

Theme #11 3.881 3.881

Fun #12 4.024 4.024

Innovation #17 3.738 3.738

Press Space to FIND ME. Game by Team "TRIPLE AA".
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Catt0s says

Visuals #01 4.889 4.889

Audio #05 4.133 4.133

Theme #07 4.044 4.044

Overall* #08 3.924 3.924

Innovation* #41 3.244 3.244

Fun* #45 3.311 3.311

Amazing game

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Catt0s says

Visuals #13* 4.188 4.188

Fun #16 3.906 3.906

Audio #25* 3.500 3.500

Overall #29* 3.487 3.487

Innovation #47* 3.219 3.219

Theme #86* 2.625 2.625

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Catt0s says

Visuals #21* 4.025 4.025

Theme #40* 3.450 3.450

Overall #54* 3.105 3.105

Audio #56* 2.850 2.850

Fun #85* 2.650 2.650

Innovation #87* 2.550 2.550

Vedal liked the art

Restore the wired connection to continue watching your favorite stream!
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Catt0s says

Fun #03 4.300 4.300

Overall #16* 3.700 3.700

Audio #19* 3.600 3.600

Innovation #27* 3.450 3.450

Theme #36* 3.525 3.525

Visuals #38* 3.625 3.625

If you consider yourself to have an extraordinary memory, you must try this game.
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Catt0s says

Fun #53* 3.188 3.188

Theme #62* 2.969 2.969

Innovation #69* 2.875 2.875

Overall #89* 2.587 2.587

Visuals #98* 2.656 2.656

Audio #100* 1.250 1.250

Vedal is blind

Try to find Neuro-sama!
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Catt0s says

Theme #16 3.815 3.815

Visuals #49* 3.444 3.444

Overall #56* 3.059 3.059

Audio #66* 2.704 2.704

Fun #71* 2.926 2.926

Innovation #95* 2.407 2.407

A point & click adventure where Neuro-Sama searches for Vedal.
Interactive Fiction
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Catt0s says

Audio #24* 3.512 3.512

Visuals #28* 3.854 3.854

Overall #34* 3.429 3.429

Theme #35* 3.537 3.537

Fun #49* 3.244 3.244

Innovation #59* 3.000 3.000

Find and recover missing neuros!
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Catt0s says

Fun #20 3.818 3.818

Innovation #21 3.636 3.636

Overall #25* 3.558 3.558

Theme #28* 3.667 3.667

Visuals #35* 3.788 3.788

Audio #54* 2.879 2.879

Help Neuro-sama find her missing creator Vedal by exploring his computer!
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Catt0s says

Innovation #01 4.429 4.429

Theme #17 3.810 3.810

Overall #37* 3.348 3.348

Fun #43* 3.381 3.381

Visuals #55* 3.286 3.286

Audio #88* 1.833 1.833

Tower Defense for the Neurosama Birthday Game Jam
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Catt0s says

Fun #14 4.000 4.000

Audio #26* 3.465 3.465

Visuals #40* 3.581 3.581

Overall #45* 3.195 3.195

Innovation #76* 2.674 2.674

Theme #102* 2.256 2.256

Vedal addicted