for 1-4 players: every solstice, the goblins hold a market. you're all attending, and you all have something you want out of this.
calls for: a deck of cards, a way to write
gothic horror game where you play creatures of the night trying to retake the world after the death of dracula.
calls for: deck of cards, 1d10 per player, pen + paper
1+ players: you are an inhabitant of the hundred acre woods, and you're going to have an adventure! and after that adventure, you'll come home and celebrate together!
calls for: deck of cards, pen + paper?
1+ players: you are santa, delivering gifts and avoiding your nemesis. dracula
calls for: deck of cards, jenga tower, d6, pen + paper, pile of sweets
for 1+ players: play animal explorers, scientists, and rescuers learning more about the ocean, and making the world a better place!
for 1-4 players: play as homunculi created by a wizard to explore their mysterious pocket dimension
for 1-4 players: a game about breaking out of a time loop