If anything here is 18+ please tell me so I can move it to the correct folder!
If I'm wrong about the language, please tell me! I'm using Google Translate for all of this.
-- Also yes, I know us American's spell Brasil as Brazil.
Portuguese (EU)
Spanish - Español (LA)
French - Français
French - Français
Spanish - Español (LA & Castilian)
Português (Brazil)
French - Français
Português (EU)
Spanish - Español (LA & Castilian)
Russian - Русский
Spanish - Español (LA)
I recommend 14+
Polish - Polski
Spanish - Español (LA and Castilian)
Spanish - Español (Castilian)
Spanish - Español (LA)
Spanish - Español
Russian - Русский
Spanish - Español
Spanish - Español
Spanish - Español