Cool game and interesting idea. I would like to see more levels!
Cute little game
Really fun. I would change it so you can switch between guard with E or Q instead of using the numbers. This could also be a really fun multiplayer game... having 1 player control the guards while another one controls the thief or having up to 3 player-guards against one bot or one human-thief. In any case i would love to se this game more developed
Really fun and funny game. I like it a lot
Interesting idea. A bit dificcutl to control and master imo but with a bit more polish could be a great game
Interesting idea, although some of the levels were impossible for me to do. Maybe it's because I dont speak english native or the instructions werent very clear. Also i would like it if the game let you compare your drawing to the final one
Fun, weird aiming but nice game overall
Awesome Game, i would be realy interested in a full game with this idea!
Really cute game and message!
Pretty interesting game, couldn't finish it tho but thats cause i got a bit confused when the square door appeared. Still really fun!